Because of how rare of a card that is ( there is only 100 real ones in the world ) it is probably worth about $50,000 sounds ridiculous but a lot of people would be willing to pay that much.
Mewtwo weighs 269lbs.
There is no mewtwo LV X but there is a full art version which is worth 70 to $80 if you find it in a booster pack.
Mewtwo can Mega Evolve into either Mega Mewtwo Y or Mega Mewtwo X.
mewtwo was made by mew's DNA. Mewtwo wants to be the only one so the scientists can know about. Mewtwo hunts down mew and tries to kill her.
You catch Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave. The cave is very long and puzzling and will require much searching to find him. Mewtwo is located in the very end of the maze.
Mewtwo weighs 269lbs.
Yes, it is. You can sell it for a million dollars.
It really depends upon how much they are trained and which moves they know. Mewtwo is stronger but Mew is more skilled. Presumably, if Mewtwo calmed down a bit and trained more, Mewtwo would have the advantage.
POKEMON:THE FIRST MOVIE reveals that Mewtwo is much more powerful than any pokemon,even Mew. I agree Mewtwo would beat Mew anytime.
To see mewtwo on stadium you have to win all the cups in the stadium and complete the Gym leader castle then after you do that mewtwo will appear flying above the stadium pick him and you have to battle him.After you beat him you unlock the much harder round 2. Win the cups at the stadium and beat the gym leader castle again and you get to battle a much harder mewtwo.
There is no mewtwo LV X but there is a full art version which is worth 70 to $80 if you find it in a booster pack.
$250 dollars its really good
One dollar
i have a mewtwo & a Jiggalypuff .. did you find out how much they are worth ??