The cost of producing Mickey & Minnie Mouse dolls in 1930 was thirty-five cents.
How much you can get for a Mickey Mouse mug that says "The Mickey Mouse Club 1955" depends on its overall condition, but can range between $10 and $50.
Type your answer here... 3500$ a night :)
Quite a lot. it was old so it is more money, the 1957 mickey mouse is different to the modern day one today, it is much more cartoony in that time. it would cost about £1128.47, i dont know for sure. hopes this knowledge helps :)
1 dollar
how much is my lorus mickey mouse watch v811-1400 worrth
30 bucks Mickey mouse
How much you can get for a Mickey Mouse mug that says "The Mickey Mouse Club 1955" depends on its overall condition, but can range between $10 and $50.
Type your answer here... 3500$ a night :)
A Mickey Moused shaped pizza can be bought at the dollar store. That's where my mom bought it.
A Mickey Mouse hat at Disneyland will run about $20.00. The hats can be personalized (with your name embroidered on the back) for free.
Quite a lot. it was old so it is more money, the 1957 mickey mouse is different to the modern day one today, it is much more cartoony in that time. it would cost about £1128.47, i dont know for sure. hopes this knowledge helps :)
Alot less at wal-mart Go to, prices run $9.99 to $4,000. June
1 dollar
about 300 $
how much is my lorus mickey mouse watch v811-1400 worrth