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Well,if it's in the box it's probably worth about 225$

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15y ago

between £20-£30 in argos

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Q: How much are Yugioh duel disks usually sold for?
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Duel in the Sun grossed $20,400,000 worldwide.

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Duel in the Sun grossed $20,400,000 in the domestic market.

How much is a duel disk?

about $40 in walmart

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Probably $15 to $19

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How much should you sell 1800 YuGiOh cards for without knowing the value of all of the cards?

Usually they will all be rubbish. A rubbish card is worth 10p so £180(if anyone wants them)

Approximately how much does a Yu-Gi-Oh deck cost?

Most yugioh structure decks cost around $12 in a store, though they usually only have the newest ones; each deck varies in cost from about $8-$15. I recommend going to to get anything yugioh card related, because their prices are reasonable.

How much is Elemental hero bladedge worth?

The Elemental Hero Bladedge Yugioh card is worth approximately $1. The price of the Yugioh card will vary depending upon its condition.

How much yu-gi-oh cards at the start of a duel?

If you mean 'How many cards do you get at the start of a duel?', the answr is 5 cards.