She does drink alcohol, but she isn't an alcoholic.
Too much...
60 years
About $300 (That's how much my Maxim Women's glasses cost at Stanton Optical) except we had a very good insurance plan and only payed $30! Thats a total steal!!
what kind of bourbon did john wayne drink
How much a women at 35 years old weight and is 57
At least 64 ounces of liquid per day.
they live much longer, by about 14 years because men tend to drink heavaly and have very bad health
They should drink as much as their body tells them to. Your body has thirst sensors and they will tell the runner if they need to drink and how much.
an average person should drink at least 8 glasses per day
it can really be bad for you and can kill you if you drink to much.
How much milk you should drink daily depends on your sex and age. It is recommended you drink 3 to 5 glasses a day.
This answer is culture dependent. In the US, women are discouraged from drinking alcohol at all while pregnant, but in France, it is encouraged that the pregnant woman drink one (1) glass of red wine a day.
Women and men should be in control and know the limit of how much they should drink. Saying one is drunk and that's why there was infidelity is a weak excuse.
you should drink 1 liter of water per day.
To much.
None. You don't drink vinegar