There are a total of eight Harry Potter films. The first film, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone was released in 2001. The eighth and final film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 was released in 2011.
i think there is seven
Mrs Weasley, mr weasley, fred, george, ginny, charlie and ron
i could be wrong but i think thats it
March 1, 1980
Arthur weasleys favorite child is Rose.
It's an alternate track for the scene in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, i.e. it was composed for that scene, but they didn't use it in the end.
Yes, until the epilogue perhaps.
Remotely, maybe.
No, she was then married to Lupin.
In Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban the Weasleys go to Egypt after winning money from a lotto.
Well , no they are not ..Sirius Black is known to be Harrys GODfather with wishes from his dad but there is no blood relation and the weasleys are not related by any way ..:)
Their parents?
I don't understand your question
Mark Williams
March 1, 1980
Charlie Weasley
They came through the fireplace!! OH!