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If you buy it from Chuck Norris, then infinity :P

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Q: How many shots does a 22 rifle hold?
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How many shots does the tube of a Stevens model 887 semi automatic 22 cal rifle hold?

That will depend on whether you are shooting short, long or long rifle ammunition.

How many 22 long rifle shells will browning takedown rifle hold?

the 22 long rifle holds 11 cartridges

How many bullets does a 22 rifle hold?

Anywhere from one to 100, depending on what exactly the rifle is.

How many shots does ted Williams model 3t 22 caliber rifle hold?

It depends on what type of bullet you are shooting, whether it is .22 shorts or .22 longs, but on average 18 to 22. You can also purchase and install yourself a tube extender that can shoot up to 35.

How many bullets does a Browning 22 L rifle hold?

Depends on the model.

How much bullets does a 22 riffle hold?

Depends on the rifle. Among my .22s, some hold ONE shot. Several hold 7 shots in a box magazine. Rifles fed from a tube magazine may hold 15 long rifle cartriges, or 26 Short cartridges. TheAmerican 180, a ,22 LR submachinegun, held 177 cartridges. No, not a typo- 177. .

What gun company makes a 22 cal single shot rifle for short and long rifle shots?


How many bullets does a 22 Winchester rifle model 190 hold?

The magazine holds 15 Long Rifle CARTRIDGES.

What distance should you sight 22 rifle in for squirrels?

Most .22 rifles are sighted at 25 yards. Some may be sighted for 50 yards, depends on your hunting. Try 25 yards, and hold higher for longer shots.

How many bullets did Stevens savage 22 model 987 hold?

Magazine capacity is 15 cartridges, .22 Long Rifle.

How many .22 short bullets will browning takedown rifle hold?

Impossible to answer without more details.

How many 22L rounds will a Ted Williams 22 rifle hold?

Impossible to answer without knowing the model.