Eli manning, Peyton manning and a dog named scruffles
North Carolina, mostly in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chaperl Hill.
She grew up in Albermarle, North Carolina and worked at the Sonic there until Idol.
Raleigh, North Carolina
The US state of North Carolina has a population of 9,380,884
In 2013, the population of Camden County, North Carolina was 10,187.
Yes there are many famous people from North Carolina, for example Dean Smith the old coach for carolina is a famous person from North Carolina.
how many churches in north carolina
some 9000
People who live in North Carolina or who come from North Carolina are called North Carolinians.
6,657,630 people live in North Carolina in 2008
The 2008 estimate was 9,222,414.
because it had many people construct it