361 pages
There are 361 pages in the Battle of the Labyrinth.I only have paper back and it is 361 pages, I do not know the answer to hard cover.
Here let's see: Lightning Thief: 337 pages The Sea of Monsters: 279 pages The Titan's Curse: 312 pages The Battle of the Labyrinth: 361 pages The Last Olympian: 381 pages Hope this helps! ~*~
There currently is no fifth book. The most current one is The Battle of The Labyrinth, number four.
No, Thalia was not in The Battle of the Labyrinth.
Eye of the Labyrinth has 628 pages.
The General in His Labyrinth has 285 pages.
In the Labyrinth - novel - has 212 pages.
The Crimson Labyrinth has 288 pages.
The Thieves' Labyrinth has 392 pages.
Labyrinth of Reflections has 480 pages.
The Labyrinth Key has 448 pages.
Labyrinth of Evil has 352 pages.
The Devil's Labyrinth has 352 pages.
361 pages
The book has 361 pages.