Many actors are trained for hand-to-hand combat for fight scenes in movies and shows, and based on the series he's acted for in the past, he's probably pretty skilled in self defense and martial arts.
Just one. The 23rd world martial arts tournament.
In order to get the full experience with martial arts, you'll need to practice everyday. That is the method mentioned by Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and Chuck Norris.
He didn't formally study Karate. Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun a close in form of Kung Fu. He learned many skills from martial artists of all styles and incorporated them into his art.
His name is James Lew, he is a master of multiple martial arts, including Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, and Submission Grappling. He is both a Fight Choreographer and an undefeated champion in all of his respective Martial Arts. He now is about late 70's and Chinese, and definitely a real master, and he also Choreographed many of Jackie Chan's fight scenes.
KoryūSumoJujutsuSwordsmanshipKenjutsuBattōjutsuaijutsu and IaidōNaginatajutsuSōjutsuNinjutsu
It is impossible to know any martial art in anyamount of time. Besides you do not need to know several martial arts. If you find a martial arts that suits you and train, train and train, then in 3-4 years you should be pretty proficient at it. Everyone who studys martial arts are always learning. If anyone says they know a martial art, they are either lying or have a massive ego.
You start to learn how to apply the skills to combat situations. In many styles, it means you know how much you don't know.
There are many differences between external and internal marital arts. One difference is that external marital arts focuses on the physical abilities while internal martial arts focuses on the Chi energy of a person.
He has studied many styles of martial arts, but official ranking does not seem to have been a concern.
There are lots of arts out there in Korea, but all i know is Taekwondo and Taekyyon.
Most likely Taekwondo or Karate, these martial arts have many families involved and most studios of these take both children and adults as students, compared to martial art styles like BJJ that may not.
Many arts are practiced in Taiwan, but the various styles of Kung Fu will be the most prevailant.
Ranma ½ isn't based on any one style of martial arts, but several of them, and many of them are parodied or are inaccurate. The school of martial arts that Ranma and his father, along with Akane and Soun Tendo practice, is known as the Anything-Goes School of Martial Arts, so while it incorporates numerous actual martial arts techniques, it also uses ridiculous "techniques" and fictionalized martial art styles.
Too many and too many variations of each.
According to Wikipedia, he enjoys many activities including working out in a home gym, but martial arts are not listed.
There are many different styles of martial arts all of which have some influence from the region they came from. Taekwondo incorporates the Northern style based Chinese form of martial arts(MA).