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There are 60 cards in a PoKéMoN Trading Card Game Deck. A good balance might be 20 PoKéMoN cards, 15 Trainercards and 25 Energy cards, however depending on the particular type of game you are playing (casual or in a tournament with specific rules and requirements), that number can change.

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Q: How many cards in a Pokemon card deck?
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How many pokemon cards are in a theme deck?

there are 60 cards in a Pokemon deck and there are only supposed to be 60 cards in a deck. if you buy a theme deck, then you will get 60 cards in the deck and a Pokemon card pack that contains 11 cards, so you basically get 71 cards in all.

How many cards are in a card deck?

There are 52 cards in a standard deck of playing cards, not including jokers.

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There are 10 cards in a Club Penguin Card-Jitsu starter deck.

How many energy cards are in a deck of Pokemon cards?

Up to 59 Basic Energy cards - You must have at least 1 Basic Pokemon. You can only have up to 4 copies of a Special Energy card.

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There is just one such card in a normal deck of cards.

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There is one of each card in a standard 52-card deck.

How many cards are you allowed in a pokemon deck?

60, You can only have four cards with the same name in the deck.

How many spades in a deck of cards?

There are 13 spades in a 52 card deck.

How many hearts are in a deck?

13 cards in a 52 card deck are hearts.

What is the minimum number of how many card you can have in a Pokemon deck?

Each tournament legal deck must have exactly 60 cards, no more no less. In addition, no more than 4 of any one card (except BASIC energy cards) can be in the deck. The ratio of Pokemon : trainer/supporter/stadium : energy is unrestricted, but a good beginners deck should have around 20 of each.

What is probability of a drawn card being a club?

The answer depends on how many cards are drawn, whether or not at random, from an ordinary deck of cards, with or without replacement.The probability for a single card, drawn at random, from a normal deck of playing cards is 1/4.The answer depends on how many cards are drawn, whether or not at random, from an ordinary deck of cards, with or without replacement.The probability for a single card, drawn at random, from a normal deck of playing cards is 1/4.The answer depends on how many cards are drawn, whether or not at random, from an ordinary deck of cards, with or without replacement.The probability for a single card, drawn at random, from a normal deck of playing cards is 1/4.The answer depends on how many cards are drawn, whether or not at random, from an ordinary deck of cards, with or without replacement.The probability for a single card, drawn at random, from a normal deck of playing cards is 1/4.