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Q: How long is a large pace?
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How long did the entourage taking Jacob to be buried take?

Several weeks, since the journey was at a stately pace and it was a large entourage.

How long is a pace?

A pace is between 30 to 36 inches.

What is MT pace in running terms?

what is MT Pace in runners terms here are the meanings: ST pace = short tempo pace MT pace = mid tempo pace LT pace = long tempo pace PHMP pace = planned half marathon pace RI = rest interval (a timed rest/recovery or a distance walked/jogged)

Does page have a long a sound?

Yes. The A has the long A sound as in pace and cage.

How long does Pace salsa last after opening?

Once opened, Pace salsa can last in the refrigerator for about 1 to 2 weeks.

How many human paces are in a kilometer?

That depends how long your pace is. A pace of 75 centimetres would indicate 1333.3 recurring paces per kilometre.

How many human steps in 1 km?

It depends on the size of your pace. If you have a LONG pace, it could be about 1 meter, making about 1,000 steps in a kilometer. Since that isn't really practice, the pace would be a little less so imagine a pace that might be between .7 and .9 km... You figure it out, based on the length of a pace.

How long would it take to walk 2589 miles?

It will depend on how fast you walk. Also for a distance as large as this it will depend on how many hours per day you can walk and how many days at a stretch you can keep that pace going.

Does the word path have a long a or short a?

The A is a short A, as in math and wrath. The long A is heard in words such as pace and plate.

Could largo be considered walking tempo?

Not really - large is "slow". Andante is "at an easy walking pace".

How long would it take to walk 0.17 miles at a slow pace?

7 minutes. Normal pace is about 3 miles per hour.

How long should it take to run 2.5km?

20 minutes - at a nice pace :)