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mallard eggs take about 28 days to hatch but it varies for different breeds, some can take up to 40 days. from the time it first pips to when it is completely detached from the egg is about 24 hours. if the chick is progressing on its own please don't try to help in any way. if it doesn't progress for 10 hours you can start breaking pieces of the shell off but be careful you don't tear the membrane. the chick may start to bleed and if it does, stop doing anything for a few hours and continue later if needed.

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it depends on the rarety of the Pokemon being hatched....but usually 1500+ steps

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Almost half a day

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Q: How long does it take for a duck egg to hach?
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Duck egg incubation can be from 27 to 35 days depending on the breed.

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Does a chicken egg or duck egg hatch first?

eggsof course the chicken egg.because chickensit on its egg more than a duck. mohamed basithChicken eggs take 21 days to hatch, Duck eggs take about 28 days to hatch.