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enter s.s anne,go to captain's room rub his back after that he will give you hm cut that's al

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Amari Carter

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2y ago
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Q: How do you use the HM in Pokemon global revolution?
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Where can you find hm cut in Pokemon global revolution?

global talk to the mystiruos mancatch him torchic

How do you use the HM Cut in Pokemon global revolution?

enter s.s anne,go to captain's room rub his back after that he will give you hm cut that's al

How do you get the hm fly in Pokemon global revolution?

u have to progress far in the game

How can go to MtHideaway in Pokemon global revolution?

first you get hm flash then you have to go around the cave from the outside then go inside the the hidden entrance from the back

How do you teach a Pokemon an HM in Pokemon Platinum?

Select the Hm hit use and select Pokemon

Where do you get HM whirlpool in Pokemon Platinum?

The HM Whirlpool is not obtainable in Pokemon Platinum, for there is no use for it during gameplay.

How do you use hm's on Pokemon FireRed?

go into your bag. go to the tms/HMS slot. press A. then do use. select the Pokemon you want to use it on. just like TM's, not all Pokemon can learn an hm. hm's can be used over nd over, unlike tms.

Where can you find fly on Pokemon soul silver?

You don't you have to use an Hm on a Pokemon

What Pokemon can use hm fly?

any bird Pokemon can use the hm have to teach the Pokemon after u get the hm fly....... and you can fly only to a place where u have gone by foot or bycycle or anyhow.. but u shud have gone to that place.... GOOD LUCK!!!

What Pokemon in Pokemon mystery dungeon can use the HM Dive?

all water Pokemon at least

What is the first hm that you can use outside of battle in Pokemon yellow?

The first HM that you are able to use outside of battle is the Cut HM. You get it from talking to the captain in the S.S. Anne.

What Pokemon can use the hm flash in Pokemon Sapphire?

there are many MANY Pokemon that can use the hm flash in Pokemon sapphire. the following Pokemon can: grovile( treeko),kirlia(ralts)shroomish, eletrike, Roselia, plusle, munun, magnemite, voltorb and many more