To unlock Huntress in Lego batman you have to complete the game.
You have to finish a certain mission to unlock him
you unlock him in story mode, level 13 i think...
go to ace chemicals and DIE BWHAHAHAHA
Build it
He is only in the 3DS version.
Supergirl is who you would unlock
there is a cheat code it is super girl
the shiel of death
whenever u get there
finish the game
You have to finish a certain mission to unlock him
You can unlock Joker in Lego Batman 2. To do this, you have to beat the game with Batman and then defeat the Joker with The Flash on the Ace Chemical Building.
You don't unlock him you need to pre oder it in vanilla pack
Batman, Robin, Superman ,Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg ,Marssion Manhunter ,Supergirl ,Hawkman ,Hawkgirl ,Nightwing and,Caption Marvel
Defeat him at the yacht club