no one knows because no one cares! and learn how to splle its favorite not favourite! duhhhhhhhh
Diego Estevanez's birth name is Diego Romn Estevanez.
Camilo Nogueira's birth name is Camilo Nogueira Romn.
Roman Heitman's birth name is Donato Romn Heitmann.
Yolanda Ventura's birth name is Yolanda Ventura Romn.
Jaime Wheelock's birth name is Wheelock Romn, Jaime.
Ricardo Zambrana's birth name is Ricardo Jos Zambrana Romn.
Aracelli Prieto's birth name is Aracelli Judith Prieto Romn.
Margarita Morales Macedo's birth name is Margarita Morales Macedo San Romn.
The cast of Juegos de la Mente - 2013 includes: Luis Felipe Castellanos as Romn Gonzlez Cisneros
AnswerThe most-unlikely place to find Protestants would be in the Vatican, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic church. This is because the Romn catholic church was responsible for their separation from the Roman catholic church and subsequent formation in the first place.
In Roman numerals C = 100 and D = 500. The numeral CD represents 100 before 500, which is 400.