in goldenrod city are a very small house right and down of the city in this house are a little girl a old man a in the middle of the house are a lass what tell the happiness of your first Pokemon in your party
Move around the map until you see Route 38.
You EV train it. See for more info.
Chase him to route 25, he will tel you where the machine part is.
yes you can catch all of the legendary dogs, they wander and you can see them on the pokegear map
The chances are 12.5%. (See related link below for more information.)
okay you see a Pokemon's happiness by clicking the back button to your DS facing your Pokemon and then press a and it shall tell you what your Pokemon is doing and how it is feeling. Hope i helped
Dont chu mean *Go in? Well, you just simply have to fill in 149 pokemons in the pokedex. (And by fill in I mean see all 150 pokemons. That does NOT include Manaphy.)~Silver*
you cant its a starter Pokemon
there is a lady in goldenrod city (in the house by the bike store) who tells you the happniess of your first Pokemon
you cant......u can only see lugea
He went to mt moon
You don't, green doesn't exist.
See below
i dont know where the fladoodles you guys get this stuff, there is no silver apricorn. there NEVER WILL BE. look in your apribox. DO YOU SEE A SPOT FOR IT? HOW MANY HOLES DO YOU SEE FOR THE APRICORNS?
yes i saw him on a sat.
He's there, but he bent space so you can't see him