The lost wax process could be used to make a skull in antimony and lead, but you'll need to ask a artist for more details but here is the outline. First make the figurine in bees wax, using hot implements to help soften it and mould it and knives and scrapers as well. Second put 'runners on it, to carry away the molten wax after a cast has been made. Put nails through the skull to hold the internal body. Make the cast from gypsum and plaster. Then fire the cast in a kiln and the wax should burn out. Heat antimony and lead alloy, to melt, pour in. Leave until set, chip off the cast. Saw off the runners. Remove the nails. Use punches and a hammer to smooth off the rough surfaces and runner spots. As stated, do get a sculptor to help you plan and cost all this and help with tricky bits such as casting with metal alloy.
There is no Nightcore anime. Nightcore is a DJ and a remix style of music. People just tend to use anime pictures in fan-made music videos.
Yes, there is an anime out there for everyone
There are more than 200 characters in the Gintama manga/anime series, and the figure is still growing. There are a number of Gintama wikis out in the Internet. Use the search engine to search the key words "gintama" or "gintama wiki".
isn't not anime (a TV show) you read its Manga (books) Shounen (10-18 yrs) Seinen (18-30 yrs) i use and but if you want to watch anime you have to decide first if you like reading subtilies if not go with english dubbed
Haha-freeware?! Anime artists are professionals, and use software that costs hundreds to thousands of dollars. Also, it's most likely software that is only in Japanese, so if you don't know Japanese, you'll have lots of trouble trying to figure it out.
You can get licensed anime in a lot of places. I use Amazon.
Imagination. In all other cases you will have to use some tool - if nothing else, then a pencil!
There are a number of reasons one might use an anime database. Some of these include to learn about new anime series and to research existing series and characters.
if monkey high is a manga it will probably use anime.
You can not buy an annuity value calculator. It is a tool used in the financial industry to figure out future values or fixed payments. You can use a scientific calculator to figure this out. Just key in the correct formula and you will have your answer.
Funimation does not make anime. It's an American company that licenses and sells anime in the United States.
You use a tool
use playdough and markers and sculpt it a picture of this is in google images coral reefs