that's kinda scarry ... are planning on paralyzing someone or something?? haha
You shouldn't ask such a question, but I will answer it. you seem to be someone which lived in our world, and someone has contact with the Pokemon world, even thought the Pokemon didn't know. You were sen't down to clear the matter, and you told them to make you lose your memory, but in what purpose is not completely clear.
It simply means your Neopet is as full as it can get, and it's no longer hungry. When something or someone is bloated, they are feeling extremely full!
yes they can
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling sad about the passing of a Flog It presenter. It's always tough to lose someone we admire and enjoy watching. Remember to cherish the memories and the joy they brought into your life, and know that they will always hold a special place in your heart.
yes she has made someone rub her delicious looking gorgeous suckable feet
because making someone else lose control gives them a feeling of being in control
Because the anaesthetic is, by definition, meant to make the patient lose feeling, which of course includes pain.
Get back out into the dating world and find someone else, there are plenty of other fish in the sea as they say.
affectto have a strong effect on someone's emotionsprovoketo cause a reaction, especially an angry oneinspireto give people a particular feelinginvoketo make someone feel a particular emotion or see a particular image in their mindsawakento make someone experience a feeling or emotioninstillto make someone have a particular feeling or beliefarouseto cause an emotion or attitudetouchto affect your emotions, especially so that you feel sad or sympatheticigniteto start a particular feeling in someone
Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling was created on 2003-06-09.
I really want to know how!! Because it feels like someone elses arm then and if you mast----te with the 'dead' arm it gives a better feeling. so i wanna try it out!!
Certain medications can make you lose your appetite. Smoking, feeling unwell and very warm weather can also contribute to a loss of appetite.
by saying bad things about them
Whitney's daughter is feeling very upset and heartbreak you know how is so upsetting when you feel like your close to someone than you lose them just like that without you even knowing!. :(
You get this feeling and love being around them and they make you happy.
If someone wants to make someone else feel good then a good thing is to encourage them and praise them when they are doing well. This will keep them feeling good and help them develop.
"Make lose!" is a literal English equivalent of the incomplete Italian phrase Faccia perdere... . The phrase may be part of a command, such as "(formal you) Make (someone) lose...," or of a wish, such as "(that I, he, one, she, you) may make (someone) lose...!" The pronunciation will be "FAT-tcha PER-dey-rey" in Pisan Italian.