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you don't, you get it at the mage training arena

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Q: How do you make a beginner wand in RuneScape?
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What do you need to hunt polar kebbits in runescape?

a noose wand

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What can you catch with a noose wand in runescape?

The Noose wand is used in the Hunter skill to catch kebbits while tracking. It can also be wielded. Once a Kebbit has been found, equipping the Noose wand allows the character to catch the Kebbit. Without the Noose wand a Kebbit will simply be scared off.

What do you do with your RuneScape characters?

You get taught to by doing the Lumbridge Beginner Guide, this occurs as soon as you 1st enter Runescape, I have placed a link for that below, be sure to read things carefully as they will be the source of information that you need to play runescape.

How much is the master wand worth in runescape?

Go to the Grand Exchange (without logging in, from the main page) to get the updated price.

Will there be a new quest on RuneScape?

Yes, every few months Runescape pumps out a new quest ranging from beginner (very easy) to Special (practically impossible to complete without dying).

How can you make a watch on RuneScape?

You can't make watches in Runescape.

How do you make a server on RuneScape?

You cannot make a server on runescape!

Why did Lord Voldemort want Albus Dumbledore's wand?

Voldemort believed the Elder Wand would make him invincible.

How you make party hats on RuneScape?

No, you cannot make partyhats in RuneScape.

How do you make a stick turn into a magic wand that works?

I really want a wand very bad

Where can one make a RuneScape account?

One can make a Runescape account by logging into the official website of Runescape. One has to provide age, email address and password in order to make a Runescape account.