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Try going to and search Mewtwo

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

well you get a mewtwo card and other cards to make a deck

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Q: How do you make a Mewtwo deck?
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Who would win Mewtwo or Goku?

Mewtwo can control the minds of others mewtwo would win,and mewtwo would probably clone goku and make an army of goku's!!!!!!!!!! that is if he was a poke'mon.

What is the hardest Pokemon?

the most powerfull Pokemon is mewtwo but people think its areceus when its not on Pokemon explores of time it is darkrai on darkness it is mewtwo on platinum it is mewtwo on dimond it is mewtwo on pearl it is mewtwo on blue rescue team it is mewtwo on red rescue team it is mewtwo on chores black it is mewtwo on ruby it is once again mewtwo i could go on for ever but i am trieng to make my point :)

What two Pokemon make Mewtwo?

No two Pokemon make mewtwo ,you must catch it in firered or leafgreen and if you want you can migerate it to diamond or pearl.

Does mew evolve into Mewtwo?

mew evovle into mewtwo if you somehow make a egg so it evoves into mewtwo if you get luckyActually, Mewtwo is NOT an evolution of Mew. Scientist created mewtwo out of DNA from mew, so it is classified as an "evolution". But you cannot take a Mew and evolve it.

How do you make Mewtwo lay an egg?

Put mewtwo in the daycare with a ditto. I did this with other legendary Pokemon and it worked

What does a Mewtwo and ditto make?

Nothing, legendary Pokemon, such as Mew, Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, and Lugia cannot be bred with anything.

How do you beat Mewtwo?

if it's wild, you will FU**ING CATCH IT. but otherways use maybe another mewtwo. make a strategy.

Can Mewtwo have an egg?

no mewtwo is a legendary and most legendaries are genderless. mewtwo can't have an egg Ya but I don't understand Manaphy is a ledendary and it can hav a egg it hatches to Phonie

Where can you make your own magic the gathering deck online?

The best place to make a deck online would be because after you make a deck you can test for free.

Why was Mewtwo armored?

So giovanni can control him and make him even powerful.

What is the best Yu-Gi-Oh deck you can make from these cards?

a spellcaster deck is the stroungst deck that u can get

Can you make your deck recipe into your deck?

You save your recipe then load it... simple =)