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"Oh look Lavender I see Uranus!" said Professor Trelawney.

" Oooh" said Lavender.

" Can I see Uranus too Lavender?" says Ron.

During their divination period.


In the second book Ron is joking about how Tom Riddle might have been awarded for killing Moaning Myrtle. Later we find out that it is the truth.


" how do you feel George?"

"saint like"

"come again"

"saint like. Get it? I'm holy."

" in this world of jokes that's the best you can come up with? it's pathetic."

-Fred and George having a conversation after George has his ear blown off.

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14y ago
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7y ago

Some Harry Potter jokes are:

  • "How obsessed with Harry Potter are you? "About nine and three quarters!"
  • "What did the comedian say to Harry Potter?" "Why so Sirius?"
  • "Knock knock" "Who's there?" "You Know" "You Know Who?" "Exactly"
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14y ago

If you are talking about the playstation 2 version then you press x repeatedly to jinx.

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13y ago

Stupefy, petrificus totalus, sectumsempra, and there are also the Unforgivable Curses, but I'm not sure if those are considered jinxes.

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There is no animal called jinx, in harry potter movie when he shakes his wand a power will come that is called jinx.

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you jinx his cat, Mrs. Norris, and he runs to her

Is their a counter jinx in Harry Potter for petrificus totalus?

The general "Finite Incantantem" which ends most spells.

Should I bring my Harry Potter wand to watch Harry Potter 6?

It's up to you. My friends and I dressed up as the characters when we went to see it. Note: Do, but please don't course (hex, jinx, etc) anyone, please.

What are some of the websites in which I could read Jinx's fire?

Search Jinx's Fire and you might find it.

What is the purpose of the Impedimenta Curse from Harry Potter?

Impedimenta Curse or Jinx stops an object or slows it down Harry taught it to the DA in OOTP and saw his father use it on Snape (in the pensive) in OOTP

How did snape save harry in the first book?

When Prof. Quirrel did a jinx to throw Harry Potter from the broom during a Quidditch match, Prof. Snape did a counter-jinx to save him. Note: It was Hermione Granger who actually stopped Quirrel's wrongdoing by distracting him.

Why did Severus Snape jinx Harry's broom in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Professor Quirrell was jinxing the broom trying to make Harry fall off. Professor Snape was trying to keep him on it.

What burns Hermiones hands when she opens her hate mail in Harry Potter 4?

Probably a curse or jinx of somesort. Maybe sometihng similar to Bellatrix burning gold in her vault at Gringotts?

What does the spell langlock do in Harry Potter?

Langlock is a Jinx that causes one's tongue to affix to the roof of their mouth. It was invented by Severus Snape while he was a student