first you download it
then you click on the icon on your computer
you log in
you should be in the classroom
click on something and it will give you options
click on one of the options
you are set to learn
The Enterprise NCC-1701 was first commissioned by Starfleet in the year 2245.
Dean Cromwell went by Maker of Champions.
You may know that since Game Maker 7 has been released, Game Maker has moved its site to I checked on YoYo for Pokemon games and there are a few. Go to and type 'Pokemon' into the search box.
The 100th episode. Trials and Tribble-ations
I like your enterprise, your get up and go.
I found a glitch where if you click on one of the backrounds and hold done untill the timer runs out and let go fast the backround will pop back up after the others go away. Then you can play around with it.
The Enterprise NCC-1701 was first commissioned by Starfleet in the year 2245.
first type in the secret code box GOOGENHIME22 then go to your house and open your chest and there it is! add me im called hex1991
The Poffin maker's house, it is left from the Pokemart in Hearthome City and ask the lady in front of the Poffin Maker. If you need a poffin case go to the Pokemon Fan Club and talk to the old man at the couch.
go to
go to or > money maker.
go on
go to or > money maker.
Yes you can! Just go to and go to Money Maker and you can be a member or Non :-) XxXTHXxX
Go to your local office supply store and see what software options are available for your enterprise. You may also go to a local college and speak to a professor familiar with enterprise resource planning software.