The Dubious Disc can be found on Route 225. You'll need Surf to get to it. but where exactly? where do you have to surf?
i have a dubious disc my email is contact me if you want it
you Trade a porygon2 while holding Dubious Disc. you Trade a porygon2 while holding Dubious Disc.
The dubious disc is used to evolve PORYGON2 into PORYGON-Z a new version exclusive to Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. To evolve PORYGON2 make it hold the disc and trade to a friend then get them to trade PORYGON-Z back.
It evolves porygon2 (trade)
it evolves porygon into prygon z and the up grade evolves it into porygon 2
No, the dubious disc does not do anything to Rotom.The dubious disc is to be given to a Porygon 2 to hold, where if traded, it will evolve into a Porygon Z.
A dubious disc is a hold item for Porygon2. If you trade a Porygon2 that's holding a dubious disc, it will evolve into Porygon-Z.
i have a dubious disc my email is contact me if you want it
you Trade a porygon2 while holding Dubious Disc. you Trade a porygon2 while holding Dubious Disc.
The dubious disc is to be used with a Porygon 2. First, you must have obtained the porygon. To get a porygon 2, you trade a porygon to someone with it holding an upgrade from Silph Co., and then trade it back again with the dubious disc to get Porygon Z.
I think it is on Route 225 somewhere...
you put a dubious disc on it then trade it
go to route 225
The Pokemon that uses the Dubious disk is Porygon2 to evolve him into a porygon-Z
The dubious disc is used to evolve PORYGON2 into PORYGON-Z a new version exclusive to Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. To evolve PORYGON2 make it hold the disc and trade to a friend then get them to trade PORYGON-Z back.
you find the dubious disc somewhere on route 225. good luck! you find the dubious disc somewhere on route 225. good luck!
give it the dubious disc and trade it