in order to get the people out of the way you need to complete the sinnoh pokedex and get the national one
my best advice is find a way.if you did not get it you see in YouTube . see this
they went away after i visited the resort area
There is, in fact, no route past route 24
the route past the survival area at night
Go through the cave
You talk to them then the BATTLE is on
you get the National Dex.
complete the sinnoh dex.hope this helps:)
they went away after i visited the resort area
Complete the pokedex.
You have to visit the battle tower thingy first, then they let you past
no because Route 16 is on Pokemon leafgreen and firered
you have to catch dialga on spear piller first
There is, in fact, no route past route 24
You can't. But on Pokemon platnium you can battle the maids standing at the left wing daily to win prizes.
if you mean in Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum you need to get the national dex!
you need to fight them to get past
You can't get past route 18 because there's nothing past it.