In Pokemon Platinum, Defog is located in the Unown Cave just East of Solaceon town. Navigate your way through the cave until you reach to room that contains four items. One of them will be Defog.
click the menu button and choose Pokemon. choose the Pokemon that have learned defog, a list will come out (summary, switch, defog, cancel and etc,) choose defog. your Pokemon will then perform defog.
you will receive surf from the elder of celestic town and strength and defog i have forgoten where to get them
In platinum you don't get a HM in the Great Marsh. The HM that is there in diamond in pearl, HM05 Defog, has been moved to the Solaceon Ruins
Use the move Defog.
There is no rental Pokemon in in Pokemon platinum
No. You can only get the HM for defog in Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Platinum.
youdon't defog is a hm move that is in Pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum
in the solaceon ruins.
the tower in solaceon town
you get it at the solaceon ruins at the end of it
You get the HM Defog in the Solaceon of lost tower
its in the ruins of solance town.
It can be found in the Solaceon Ruins.
its in the tower by solaceon town
click the menu button and choose Pokemon. choose the Pokemon that have learned defog, a list will come out (summary, switch, defog, cancel and etc,) choose defog. your Pokemon will then perform defog.
in solaceon ruins wich is the west in the city
HM05 Defog can be found in the Solaceon Ruins.