use a fighting move on cressila and then it wont be very affective and keep on using a fighting move until it has red health and then use net balls on it about 50 of them from:pokedude987
everywhere its a random encounter like latios,cressila,and mespirt
once get all the badges than go to map 10 and you will find deoxys darkrai shiny arvues and arcues cressila shiny cressila kyogre
Keep on Talking to the Inventor of the Poketech when you have all 8 badges. He will eventually give you the MARKING MAP.
First of all, you catch Mespirit with the marking map not Alzef. And second, Cressila is the other Pokemon you catch with the marking map.
Mike Hurt's birth name is Michael Hurt.
it depends you can get it anywhere it romes around
You have to defeat dialga. Then you have to go to aegis cave and defeat regigigas. Then after a few days cressila will appear in your dreams for two nights. After another few days Palkia will appear in your bedroom and bring you to a dungeon. Palkia tries to fight you but you and your partner fall on the side of the floor. Then you go through the dungeon and fight Palkia. If you defeat Palkia a nightmare freezes Palkia. Cressila will bring you in Plakia's dream and Cressila tells you and your partner you must be destroyed. The real cressila comes and reveals that the other cressila is darkrai. Darkrai says he will be waiting in a dungeon. Cressila talks about darkrai in treasure town. After you,your partner, and cressila go through a dungeon(I think it is called dark crater or something) The dungeon has 15f (I think) then you go through the midpoint and save. The second part has 14f (I think) Then you fight darkrai with his army of pokemon. I hope this helped!
Cressila and Jirachi I think
after u find it on its island it roams shinno
everywhere its a random encounter like latios,cressila,and mespirt
lv50 i used a lv55 staraptor and then keeped using quick and ultraballs
Speed:113Type: PSYCHCStandard moveset: 1.Mist PP/302.Aurora Beam PP/203.Future Sight PP/154. Slash PP/20
cresselia will be roaming sinnoh
Yes, but it may take while and you will need lots of ultra balls.
once get all the badges than go to map 10 and you will find deoxys darkrai shiny arvues and arcues cressila shiny cressila kyogre
Cressila is a roaming pokémon, which will roam the Sinnoh region, after you've encountered it for the first time. You can find it at Full Moon island for the first time. You need to be the Champion first and you need the National Pokédex, before you can visit this island.
After when you have beated you have to talk with Cresselia. She wanna join then. hope it helped