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Aron is a rare Pokemon only found in Pokemon Diamond. To catch it, you have to travel to Fuego Ironworks. To get to Fuego Ironworks, you have to have the HM SURF. Fuego Ironworks is near Floaroma Town, travel to route 205 then head up the bridge connecting the two lands. Then, head up the stairs North from the grass. Travel down the flock of stairs behind the Hiker and head up the patch of grass. Then travel left where there's a pond and Surf up (Follow the route). YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY ARRIVED AT Fuego Ironworks!

Now to get Aron, you have to Pokeradar them in the tall grass.



Okay... Catching aron is hard because even you use poke radar many common Pokemon still appear. It takes time.. Use magnemite or magnezone put it in the first place in your Pokemon party (only with the magnet pull ability)Magnet pull ability attracts Pokemon with steel type Pokemon. Aron is half steel type Pokemon so it's a easy catch.. Hope it helps :)mariz_2209
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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

first you should have an poke radar use it on route 208.about 4 times it is a really rare bugger and if you can say you have an aggron you're one of the top notches in the game (i got an aggron)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, Iron Island, after you complete the National Dex. u dnt find aron at the iron islands u find him by fuego iron works in the grass with the poke radar i tried it the way u said and never got him so i got him from my frined and it showed him by fuego

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βˆ™ 15y ago

I use 2 play Diamond, and then transfered 2 platinum. I have a 490 Dexed book, w/ all but 3 pokemon. It says that u can get Aron in diamond at Fuego Ironworks when u use da poke radar- which u get from prof. Rowan after obtaining Nat. Dex. Im not sure if its the same in platinum, but its worth a shot...bang!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Safari Zone- Rock Beach with 24 peak objects.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

If objects are placed in the safari zone, it may appear in tall grass.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

go to the Safari Zone look in the mountains

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How do you get an Aron on Pokemon XD for the Nintendo GameCube?

If I remember correctly, you could get an Aron at the Cave Pokemon Hot-Spot.

When does aron evolve into agron Pokemon emerald?

aron evolves into lairon at level 32 and then to aggron at level 44

How do you take rental Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

There is no rental Pokemon in in Pokemon platinum

What level are the Pokemon in the elite 4 in platinum?

the first time they are in level: Aron is from 49 to 53 Bertha is from 50 to 55 Flint is from 52 to 57 Lucian is from 53 to 59 and Cynthia is from 58 to 62