between level 34 and 40
ditto or mew, any of those
Dwebbles evolves at level 34 into a Crustle.
Route 18. Walk around in the dark grass.
Depends on if you have parts of the 3 main types grass fire /water since you have tthem its a good team buy it has to be a high lvl for chapion 55-70 each pkmn
Crustle is a Rock and Bug type pokemon.
Crustle is #558 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Rock type Pokemon.
between level 34 and 40
Dwebble evolves into Crustle at level 34
he is avabile in pokemon black and white.and he is a pokemon
Leavanny is useful.Scyther is useful.Get rid of Crustle it has bad stats. you should put in
Crustle, Scraggy, and Yamask.
85 degrees Fahrenheit
yes on route 18
ditto or mew, any of those
Dwebbles evolves at level 34 into a Crustle.