

Best Answer

it is in p2 labatory route 18 and 17

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Q: How do you get a crustle?
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Related questions

What type of Pokemon is Crustle?

Crustle is a Rock and Bug type pokemon.

What is the national pokedex number for Crustle?

Crustle is #558 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Rock type Pokemon.

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When does dwebble evolve in Pokemon Black and White?

between level 34 and 40

Who does Dwebble evolve into?

Dwebble evolves into Crustle at level 34

Who is crustle on Pokémon?

he is avabile in pokemon black and white.and he is a pokemon

Who should you get rid of I think i have to many bug types crustle leavanny Scyther who should i put in and the reason why?

Leavanny is useful.Scyther is useful.Get rid of Crustle it has bad stats. you should put in

What are the names of the animals that Tony Hawk likes?

Crustle, Scraggy, and Yamask.

What makes up the surface of crustle activity?

85 degrees Fahrenheit

Is there a trainer with the Pokemon crustle in Pokemon white?

yes on route 18

Which Pokemon can breed with crustle in Pokemon white?

ditto or mew, any of those

How do you evolve dwebble in Pokemon white?

Dwebbles evolves at level 34 into a Crustle.