there are only three rods: old, good, and... I forget the name. it was like master or something like taht.
to get the 'master' rod, u know how you get to the island (s) in the top right corner - Battle Tour place, etc. - for the first time by snowpoint city? when u first arrive there, there is a fisherman against some crates. talk to hima nd he will give u te ultimate rod.
To get Fineons evolved from Pokémon Diamond you need to go fishing. If you use a super rod you have a better chance of finding compared to a good rod.
I dont think you do get one you only get a super rod
you get it in a city called azalea
in most lakes with your good rod
old rod good rod super rod and pie rod
To get Fineons evolved from Pokémon Diamond you need to go fishing. If you use a super rod you have a better chance of finding compared to a good rod.
NO Such Thing Only Super Rod/Good Rod/Old Rod.
only magicarp
no such thing as an 'ultra rod.' there is a such thing as a 'super rod' though.
you have to use a super rod or normal rod
No. It is only with the super rod.
use a super rod
A Good Rod is available within Roue 209 in Diamond and Pearl.