CHIMECO doesn't evolve into anything in any Pokemon game. In fact it's actually an evolved form from CHINGLING
do you maen chimeco you can find him at mt pyre
in the waters and on top (not really if you surf)
OMG it reel hard but i got chru you train him at night but mines on lv 40 somethin (im not boaderd 2 get up so you dont no so....HAHA
No, Maractus doesn't evolve.
chingaling evolves into chimeco by happyness chingaling evolves into chimeco by happyness
CHIMECO doesn't evolve into anything in any Pokemon game. In fact it's actually an evolved form from CHINGLING
Chingling will only evolve into Chimeco if it's happiness is full at night time.
Chingling evolves if you make it really happy at night.
near spring path near veilstone city or evolve a chingling
you have to get chingcling first then he evovles to chimeco
do you maen chimeco you can find him at mt pyre
Chimeco is found on Mt. Pyre's summit on Ruby and Sapphire. However, Chimeco is rare so you will often run into Duskull and Shuppet before finding Chimeco.
Mt Pyre Summit
arback , veectrevel , chimeco
U go to Mt. Corenet there are some there