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if its a rom, look for the .sav file and delete it then try the game again and you should be able to start all over

:- its me Anonymodude - the answer above was there originally, although I dont know the answer, I think that the question means "How do you delete a single save file (out of 4) without deleting the rest in Pokémon Battle Revolution (for Nintendo Wii [does not use .sav files] ) this may clear up any confusion :)

also, Wii games do not come in roms, they come in ISOs, so there is no .sav file, because the save file is content.bin in the Wii's NAND FS

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Go to the start page and press up on the control pad, select and B button at the same time.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

A+B+X+Y hold the buttons when the game loads up

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βˆ™ 14y ago

You need to press the card thing on the Wii Menu. Go to save data, then Wii then choose the Pokemon save file. Further instructions are after you do the following.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Up+Select+B at title screen OR on main menu, select "New Game"

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βˆ™ 13y ago

i do not know but i think you can not

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βˆ™ 15y ago

just click the "release"

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Q: How do you erase a saved game file on Pokemon Battle Revolution?
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If you want to erase a save file on Pokemon Platinum, while in your game, try to save on the game that you are playing. If you already have a save file, it will tell you how to erase your save file. Keep checking back, and I can figure out a better way.Thanks, and enjoy!-PocketFroggys (with help of TurtwigPrinplups)

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You can battle using the wii remote and by winning colosseum matches, you can unlock other colosseums and you receive this special kind of money which you can use to buy clothing and accessories for you chosen character and if you have saved up alot of this money, you can send items you bought on Pokemon Battle Revolution and can send those items to your DS Pokemon diamond/pearl versions. You can send your "team" that you have in your Pokemon diamond/pearl game(s) so you can use your own custom team and make your own battle pass. If you have Nintendo wi-fi connection, you can battle with friends or battle with people from around the world that you don't know, but there are some restrictions with that. You cant use some legendary Pokemon when you are playing with people from around the world that you don't know, so that becomes a problem for some people, but basically, Pokemon battle revolution is a good game to have if you have Pokemon Diamond/pearl version(s) for the Nintendo DS.

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Well first, on the video you want to erase the layer on, click details. Then press save. Go back to flipnote studio, and click on veiw flipnotes. The video you saved will be there. Then go to edit on the video you saved then erase the layer.