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You can catch one in Pokemon Emerald's Safari Zone and then trade it to FireRed. Otherwise you will have to use an Action Replay to catch one.

You have to trade in the Colisium You have to trade in the Colisium

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11y ago
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13y ago

Catch a drowzee and take it to the department store and a man somewhere in the department store will offer to trade for a machop. use machop's low kick on miltank. machop should be at least lvl 18 when you do this.

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13y ago

You have to get the National Dex. After that, go to Sandgem Town, and go to Lucas's house. Talk to the little girl. She'll tell you there's a large amount of a random non-Sinnoh Pokemon on a certain route. You have to keep doing it until she says Miltank.

PS I don't know why you'd want a Miltank. They suck.

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15y ago

first you must go to a terrain where Miltank is found depends on the version you are playing, then attack it but make sure it won't faint then use a poke ball or whatever ball you wanna use.

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15y ago

You know where the day care center is. Than go down to where you get the HM strength. Go into the grass and use the Pokeradar. There you go have fun!

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13y ago

go to the lost tower. then use your poke radar in the grass in front of the will get a miltank.

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14y ago

in platinum you can catch it with the pokeradar near celestic town

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14y ago

Miltank wants berries so give it berries.

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14y ago

Route 38,39,47. their uncommon

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Q: How do you defeat miltank?
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What type of Pokemon is miltank?

Miltank is a Normal type pokemon.

Where is miltank in ruby?

You can't capture miltank in ruby only colosseum can.

Does miltank have any other evolution in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

No miltank does not evolve but they might make a new evolution for him soon From'a person who remains nameless a.k.a the miltank milker

Is there a cheat to get a miltank in Pokemon Diamond?

I don't think so, but miltank is very rare when you use the poke radar. It is avalible at rts 209 and 210. you can also migrate a miltank from Pokemon gba games>

Are there any cow Pokemon?

yes there is miltank

Related questions

Does miltank evolve in diamond?

miltank does not evolve

Where is Pokemon miltank in ruby?

You can't find miltank anywhere on ruby only colosseum can get miltank.

Will miltank evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

No. Miltank doesn't evolve. As of Generation V, Miltank has no evolutionary relatives.

What type of Pokemon is miltank?

Miltank is a Normal type pokemon.

Where is miltank in ruby?

You can't capture miltank in ruby only colosseum can.

Were do you find miltank?

I found the Pokemon "MILTANK" at route 38, 39, and 47.

What type is a miltank in Pokemon?

Miltank is only a normal type. Miltank does know other types of moves, like the rock type move Rollout. Miltank is the best Pokemon of the normal-type gym in Goldenrod City.

How do you you catch a miltank in soul silver?

First, head west of Ecruteak City. From there, you will reach a large, grassy patch. Miltank can be found there. You cannot catch the miltank on the farm.

Does miltank evolve?


What is the national pokedex number for Miltank?

Miltank is #241 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.

Does miltank have any other evolution in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

No miltank does not evolve but they might make a new evolution for him soon From'a person who remains nameless a.k.a the miltank milker

Does miltank have any other evolution in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Miltank does not have an evolution form in any of the Pokemon games.