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Q: How do you climb the lighthouse in Pokemon soulsilver or heartgold?
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Do you need rockclimb to get to blaine in Pokemon HeartGold?

In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions, HM08 Rock Climb is not needed to get to Seafoam Islands, HM03 Surf is though.

Where do you get rock climb in Pokemon FireRed?

There isn't a rock climb in Fire Red. Haven't you seen there are no rocks to climb? Only Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver.

What gym leader do you have to beat before you can use the HM rock climb in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

To get rock climb you have to beat all 16 gym leaders, red and talk to prof oak

Can you ride Pokemon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

When you use Surf or Rock Climb.

Where to get rock climb in Pokemon HeartGold?

you get it AFTER you beat blue

What are all of the HMS in Pokemon?

cut, surf, fly, rock smash, rock climb, strength, and waterfall In Diamond, Pearl and Platinum there is HM defog. In HeartGold and SoulSilver there is HM whirlpool.

What is Victory Road like in Pokemon Soulsilver?

Victory road in pokemon heartgold and soulsilver is the final testing area for the trainer before they get to the elite four and the champion. I is difficult to navigate and will contain many high level pokemon. You will also be required to have the HM rock smash, rock climb, strength, surf, and waterfall.

Where do you get a magmaraizer in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Cinnabar Island [using Rock Climb}

Where is rock climb in Pokemon HeartGold?

You need to do the last gym in kanto.

Where on Pokemon HeartGold is the hm rock climb?

you get it from oak after beating blue

Magmarizer in Pokemon SoulSilver?

come back to cinnibar island with a Pokemon with rock climb n climb the rock until u find it

How do you get to the sick Pokemon on HeartGold?

To get to the lighthouse Pokemon you must go up the ladders. Once you can't get up any further you must jump out of the window on the right hand side of the room and go back inside. after that climb the ladders to the top! Hope I helped!