"Avatar: Into the Inferno" is a Wii game that was released in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia. It follows the plotline of the third season of the Avatar T.V. show, but leads up to a boss battle with Azula.
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Wii and Ds. On DS they have huge heads. that freakys me out a little
in the DS version you will be able to play as all the characters but you will be in pairs!
Best Buy, Amazon.com, eBay, pretty much any multi-product seller
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how do you cool the lava bucket in into the inferno
"Avatar: Into the Inferno" is a Wii game that was released in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia. It follows the plotline of the third season of the Avatar T.V. show, but leads up to a boss battle with Azula.
i think it's into the inferno
yes there is a difference because into the inferno is after burning earth
nothing its over
It will come out on 10/13/08
Wii, Nintendo DS, and PlayStation 2
Avatar The Last Airbender - 2005 Sozin's Comet Into the Inferno SUSPENDED was released on: USA: 30 November 2008
wii the ps2 is old and dumb
Check out YouTube
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