Go to Valley Windworks and use Super Rod. IF u dont have supr rod, then beat the leage, complete the pokedex, and obtain the National dez. then go to the fight area and talk to a fisherman north of the doks. i got it on my first try who says its rare
Poke radar right where the fog is nearby the breeding place then get bagon will evolve into shelgon at Lv30 PS if you want a bagon knowing Hydro Pump breed a bagon/shelgon/salemance with male Pokemon that knows hydro pump i tried a shelgon and vaporeon shelgon is female and vaporeon is a male, it knows hydro pump but they took many hours and guess what? right now they still haven't made contact with a bagon egg im soo annoyed (makes a annoyed face) so enjoy
Sincerely UltimateLatios or boldragon169
get in the meteor falls cave...follow my instructions...first you need a pokemon with waterfall and the 8th badge...go in the meteor falls,climb the waterfall and enter the hole in front of you,you will see a ladder goes down climb on it,it will get you in front of a ladder in front of a big rock,step forward and you will see another ladder that goes up,dont climb on it,go left step forward and you will se another ladder climb it,it will get you in front of two trainers you have to beat`em then go upstairs and you will see another trainer,you have to batlle him,after you beat him,you will see some ledges close in your feet,fell down.WARNING THERE ARE TWO SIDES YOU HAVE TO GET IN LEFT...but when you fell down the ledges on the right DONT FELL FROM THE LAST and turn left to a ladder and climb it,it will get you in a place with water,so you have to use surf and move forward,you will see a hole forward enter it,finally you have to move forward,theres a litlle water but to pass it you need surf,when you surf move forward and you will saw a pokeball take it its TM02 Dragon Claw,then search for pokemon and you will find (bagon)Bagon evolves into shelgon and shelgon to salamence
Bagon evolves in 30 Lvl to Shelgon and in 50 to Salamence
You can't catch celebi in pokemon white.
In Pokemon black you catch RESHIRAM and TORNADUS In Pokemon white you catch ZEKROM and THUNDERUS Sources : myself
If you're looking for a Salamence in Diamond, unfortunately you aren't going to find one. Bagon, the original form of Salamence, is only found in Pearl and Platinum. You can find Bagon on Route 210 in Diamond/Platinum with the PokeRadar. If you're playing Pearl, you'll have to trade it from either of those games, or from RSE.
No, it is exclusive to Pokemon White. Where you would catch Rufflet in White, you catch Vullaby in Black.
You can catch Silcoon in White Forest.
You can get Salamence by: Transferring it into Pokemon White. Trade for it. Get a Bagon or Shelgon to evolve into Salamence.
Get it really drunk.
Nowhere you must train a Bagon to level 30 to get Shelgon.
shelgon is uncatchable in diamond. U have to catch a bagon in pearl and evolve it and trade.
Shelgon is a dragon Pokemon with a 5.9% catch rate. Shelgon is able to evolve into Salamence after reaching level 50.
Bagon evolves into Shelgon at level 30. Shelgon evolves into Salamence at level 50.
You can't, if I remember correctly. You can only catch Baygon at meteor falls and then evolve it into Shelgon.
In the room where you get dragon claw in meteor falls. The Bagons are uncommon. Catch the bagon and level it to level 30. That's when it evolves into Shelgon. P.S. Shelgon evolves into Salamance at level 50
you need to catch a bagon and evolve it at level 30 into shelgon. shelgon will then evolve into salamence at level 55
You cannot catch a Shelgon. You have to catch a Bagon, train it and then evolve it.
It is not possible to catch a wild Shelgon in Pokemon Ruby. To get a Shelgon you need to evolve a Bagon. Wild Bagon can be found in the deepest room of the Meteor Falls cave.
You cannot. Bagon can be found within Pokemon White so you can trade a Bagon from White and evolve it. Or you have to tansfer it from an earlier generation game. Bagon evolves at level 30 into Shelgon.