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You cannot. Manaphy is a Pokémon from Generation IV, and Emerald is a Generation III game.

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Q: How do you catch manaphy in Pokemon Emerald?
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Can you catch manaphy in emerald?

yes you can catch a Manaphy on emerald. (if you have a game shark)

How do you get manaphy in Pokemon Emerald?

Manaphy was not available in Pokemon Emerald. Manaphy was not introduced until Generation 4 games Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Manaphy is unique in that its offspring are Phione that cannot evolve into Manaphy.

How do you get manapee in Pokemon Emerald?

You cannot obtain Manaphy on Pokemon Emerald. Manaphy is only obtainable on Diamond & Pearl or later games.

Where can you catch manaphy on diamond?

You can not catch a manaphy on Pokemon diamond. you must trade it somehow on a Pokemon rangers game.

Where can you catch manaphy on Pokemon Diamond?

A Manaphy is not available in the wild in the Pokemon world. You must trade a Manaphy Egg from Pokemon Ranger.

Where can you catch manaphy on Pokemon Platinum?

You cant, but you can look at the book in the Pokemon mansion to see manaphy.

How do you the HM Water fall in Pokemon emerald?

I think you are talking about manaphy, you can get it from beating Pokemon Ranger and getting the manaphy egg then transfering it to Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. Or you can go to a manaphy event to get it.

Can you catch a wild manaphy in Pokemon platinum?


How do you catch manaphy in Pokemon White?

you can't

Can you catch Groudon in Pokemon emerald?

Yes, You can catch Groudon in Pokemon Emerald.

Where do you catch gastly in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't catch one in Pokemon Emerald.

Can you catch Entei on Pokemon Emerald version?

No you cannot catch Entei in Pokemon Emerald.