Pierre Cardin signature in the chairs?
Pierre Cardin signature in the chairs?
Pierre Cardin is 95 years old (birthdate: July 7, 1922).
Pierre Cardin was born in San Biagio which is located near Treviso. He is of the Italian orientation and is a fashion designer. He got his education in France and designs mainly fashion for women but branched out into unisex fashion as well.
Pierre Cardin's birth name is Piero Cardin.
Pierre Cardin is a/an Grand couturier
Pierre Cardin signature in the chairs?
Pierre Cardin was a fashion designer.
Pierre Cardin was born on July 7, 1922.
Pierre Cardin was born on July 7, 1922.
Pierre Cardin was born on July 02, 1922
Pierre Cardin signature in the chairs?
Pierre Cardin was born on July 02, 1922
Pierre Cardin is 95 years old (birthdate: July 7, 1922).
Of course it depends on the style/model. There are so many styles/models...