This is the wonder mail password to get Giratina: WNWY JXTK &5C1 4N3- P4NM 8K&CThen go to your job list and you will have a job. Then take the job. Then you will be able to go to world abyss. Giratina is in the 30th floor.
Poke transfer
You can not. The only games to get Giratina are:Pokemon PlatinumPokemon pearlPokemon diamond
theres´s no giratina in the game so use action replay
You will need to arrange a trade for Giratina or transfer it from 1 of the older games since Giratina cannot be found in Pokémon Black 2.
i would say the best Pokemon to trade for Giratina would be Rayquaza there you have it ...
no you cannot catch a giratina in black and white only trade
Poke transfer
You can not. The only games to get Giratina are:Pokemon PlatinumPokemon pearlPokemon diamond
theres´s no giratina in the game so use action replay
You will need to arrange a trade for Giratina or transfer it from 1 of the older games since Giratina cannot be found in Pokémon Black 2.
There is no possible way to find GIRATINA in Black. You'll have to migrate it from HeartGold, SoulSilver, Platinum, Pearl or Diamond. Hope this helped
It does appear anywhere in black OR white only in platinum, soulsilver, and heartgold.
You can't get Giratina in Pokémon Black but you can use the Poké Transfer in order to transfer it from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver.
"Evil Eye" in Pokemon Black and White...
PokéTransfer or Dream World, none in Black. Or White. :|
In Pokemon Black you can actually get quite a bit of legendaries. You can Get Reshiram, Kyuram, Giratina, and Arceus. Also Kyogre and Groudon. can oly get them if you transfer them from pokemon platnum,pearl,or dimond9the pokemon transfer building is around black city if you have pokemon black or white forest in pokemon white,