Former South African president Frederik Willem de Klerk is 82 years old (birthdate: March 18, 1936).
Johannes de Klerk died in 1979.
Michel de Klerk was born in 1884.
He is still alive today, at the age of 74.
Teuntje de Klerk's birth name is Teuntje Adriana de Klerk.
Frederik Willem de Klerk was born on March 18, 1936.
Frederik Willem de Klerk was born on March 18, 1936.
Frederik Willem de Klerk is 79 years old (birthdate: March 18, 1936).
Frederik Willem de Klerk is of the Christian religion, specifically, he is a member of the Dutch Reformed Church.
Frederik Willem de Klerk
Frederik Willem de Klerk won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, which he shared with Nelson Mandela, for their efforts in ending apartheid in South Africa and working towards a peaceful transition to a democratic society.
President Frederik Willem de Klerk
President Frederik Willem de Klerk
Frederik Willem de Klerk
Frederik Willem de Klerk was President of South Africa from 1989 to 1994.
For their efforts in ending apartheid in SA.
Former South African president Frederik Willem de Klerk is 82 years old (birthdate: March 18, 1936).