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The lady at the evil guys castle helps Percy shock the guy with the lightening bolt that the evil guy saw in his sheild! He has 3 pearls for him his cousn and his mom so grover stays ther with the evil guys mistress!

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13y ago
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you spelled it wrong.
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14y ago

Hades kept her alive, and she was held prisoner.

The living are allowed to enter the Underworld and still be alive when they (rarely) return to the living world.

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12y ago

Well, she didn't actually save herself, because Hades' helm of darkness was returned safely, so he returned her home.

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12y ago

When Percy returned Hades' Helm of Darkness, Hades was so happy, he let Percy's mom go.

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Q: How did Percy mom srevive the underworld?
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Where does Percy's mom go when she is attacked in the lightning thief?

to the underworld

Did Percy Jackson's mom get struck by lightning?

No, she was taken to the underworld by a centaur.

Who killed Percy Jackson's mom?

Nobody killed his mom, a Minotaur captured her and sent her to the underworld(a.k.a: Hell) for Hades to lure Percy to the underworld to give him the lightning bolt that Luke stole from Zeus.

In The Lightning Thief does Percy find his mom?

Yes, Percy eventually finds his mom in the Underworld, where she has been held captive by Hades. He works with his friends to rescue her and bring her back to the land of the living.

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They are willing to stay in the Underworld with Hades so Percy can have his mom back.

Why did the Lightning Thief want a war of the gods?

Hades wants the lightning bolt because he does not want to live in the underworld. He wants to overthrow the 12 Olympians using the power of Zeus' master weapon.

How did Percy's mom survived the underworld?

Hades kept her alive, and she was held prisoner. The living are allowed to enter the Underworld and still be alive when they (rarely) return to the living world.

What does the scene in the throne room tell you about each of the three friends Annabeth Grover and Percy?

They are willing to stay in the underworld so percy could have his mom back

Why does Percy go to the underworld?

Percy goes to the underworld in the "Percy Jackson" series to rescue his mother who has been captured by Hades. He also goes to retrieve a stolen lightning bolt, which is a powerful weapon that could potentially start a war between the gods.

How do annabeth and grover prove themselves to be real friends to percys?

They are willing to stay in the Underworld with Hades so Percy can have his mom back.

How does Percy solve the problem in The Lightning Thief?

Percy solves the problem by saving his mom from the underworld (pearls) and winning the battle against him and Luke and gave the lighning bolt back to Zues.

What is the short summary of all the chapters for The Lightning thief?

Percy, his demigod friend Annabeth daughter of Athena, and Grover a satyr go on a journey to save Percy's mom from the underworld. They meet monsters like Medusa and Echnida. Luke son of Hermes stole Zeus' masterbolt but everyone thinks it was Poseidon, Percy's dad. Ares god of war catches Luke with the masterbolt and Hades helmet that makes you invisible. After being easily persuaded by Luke to join his side which you later find out is Kronus' side. Ares plants the masterbolt on Percy and his friends to take to the underworld where he was supposed to unexpectedly meet Kronus and Kronus would get the bolt. But Percy manages to get away from the underworld although he wasn't able to bring his mom. After he found out he had the bolt he meets Ares again and manages to win Hades helmet. Percy sends the hat to the underworld in exchange for his mom. Percy then returns the bolt to Zeus.