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he got his head cut off

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Q: How did John brother of James die?
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Is John the Baptist the brother of James in the Bible?

No. John the apostle, son of Zebedee was James' brother.

Which apostle was the brother of Saint John?

Saint James the Greater was the brother of John.

Who is the saint that is the brother of Saint John?

St. James the Greater was the brother of St. John the Evangelist.

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Brother John Sellers died in 1999.

Who is the apostle John in the bible?

John was the brother of James, and they were the sons of Zebedee.

Who is the brother of Saint John the Apostle?

Saint James the Greater is known as the brother of Saint John the Apostle. They were both apostles of Jesus and were referred to as the "Sons of Thunder" in the Bible.

When and how did St. James the Greater die?

James (brother of John) also known as James the Greater died a martyr's death "by the sword" at the hands of Herod Agrippa I around 44 AD."It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword." - Acts 12:1-2

Who are the known authors of the general epistles?

The known authors of the general epistles in the New Testament are James, Peter, John, and Jude. James is believed to have been written by James the brother of Jesus, Peter by the apostle Peter, John by the apostle John, and Jude by Jude, a brother of James.

How did John James die?

he die of sex

How many James are there?

In the New Testament there was James the brother of John and James the half brother of the Lord Jesus. But every born again Christian named James is a saint also.

When did John James Oddy die?

John James Oddy died in 1928.