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It was maybe just an idea that occurred to her from nowhere. But, as to where she got the name.... well the mirror shows a person's deepest desires... now turn around the word 'Erised'. get it? :-D

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In the first book, at Christmas, Harry is given an invisibility cloak. There is a note telling him it was his father's, but no indication of who gave it to him. Upon finding that it is in fact an invisibility cloak, Harry is desperate to test it out and goes on a scout through the castle.

He goes to the library, but makes so much noise that Filch comes along and scares Harry. Harry has to run in order to avoid being noticed. He runs around a corner and runs almost right into Snape (who can't see him because he's wearing the cloak) Filch comes wheezing after him and Harry has to sneakily go into a room to avoid being noticed.

In this room, is the mirror.

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It was called "The Mirror of Erised". The Mirror of Erised if I remember correctly

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The mirror of erised has nine words on it which says: "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi". Written in the correct way this says: "I show not your face but your hearts desire."

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The Mirror of Erised has an inscription of nine words "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi" that spells "I show not your face but your heart's desire" backwards.

Was JK Rowling in the Harry Potter movies?

No. She was offered the role of Lily Potter in the Mirror of Erised scenes in the Sorcerer's Stone movie, but she turned it down.

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No, the stone was actually in the Mirror of Erised. He had to want the stone, but not want to use it to get it out.

What item did Harry Potter discover when trying to escape Argus Filch and Severus Snape while wearing his invisibility cloak?

Harry stumbles upon the Mirror of Erised. It shows your hearts desire. When Harry looked in the mirror he saw his whole family (except the Dursleys). In the movie, he only saw his parents.