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Dr Roylott had spent a lot of time practicing medicine in India, which is where we assume he discovered his interest in poisonous snakes.

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Q: How did Dr Roylott get his interest in and knowledge of snakes?
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There is no exact age in the book, but I would guess mid 50s-60.

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Dr. Grimesby Roylott trains his snake to climb down a false bell pull to bit Julia Stoner in her sleep. So, while the snake's poison kills Julia Stoner, it is widely held that Dr. Roylott is her murderer. -Major Spoiler- At the end of the story, Holmes remarks that he feels no guilt for HIS responsibility in turning the snake on Dr. Roylott. This epitomizes the notion in detective fiction that poetic justice is justice. (Roylott dies at the wrong end of his own tactics)

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Holmes and Dr. Grimesby Roylott

Did doctor roylott deserve to die?

Dr. Roylott was bitten by the "speckled band" which was the snake that he owned The exact date is unclear, but most scholars agree with the text that says: "It was early in April, in the year [18]83." -- John H. Watson, 'The Adventure of the Speckled Band'