I think you mean Holo (holographic). Which in that case, it should look shiny or 3D.
Yes your card can dirty, however beware of other players who might tell you different. Cards CAN dirty!
if it's fake it's all shiny if its real its not
The rarest Pokemon card of 2008 is a card named POKEMON ILLUSTRATER. This card is worth $5,000 easy.
The only way to know if a card is First Edition or Unlimited is by looking to the left of the Pokemon information right below the picture (See image below). If it has the label "1 Edition", then it is a First Edition card. If there is nothing there, then it is Unlimited.
yes i hope you read and this bit can you tell me wot a m in Pokemon is not the unknown
you buy a membership card at a store.That is all I can tell you
go on your trainer card
kill it
An easy way to tell if a pack of Pokemon cards contains a full art card is to open it.
Look at your trainer card
On Pokemon trading cards, they don't have levels, only moves, HP, and their weaknesses and resistance.
.............................................................dIaMoNd...........................circle...............................................................STAR................ RARE...............................................UnCoMmOn.......................common
well if you really want to know i was elected by the president to be the number 1 Pokemon player in the whole wide world im even in the world records book so the answer is you tell them that this is worth every Pokemon card then you tell them if you have this you could have every best Pokemon card in the world
It is impossible to tell what cards will come in the pack until you open it.
Wonder cards are slots of information that tell you when you get a "special" Pokemon. This is, basically, Pokemon from Pokemon Battle Revolution, or Pokemon from Nintendo Events.