Go get the Squirtbottle from person in goldenrod and use it on it. It's a sudowoodo. Lvl 20. Catch it, there's only 1 in the game
do something
its very simple first you'll need honey go to a gold leafy tree put the honey on the tree and come back to it later if you see it wiggle go up to it and press "A" there is about a 10% chance its a heracross.
Um...If you're talking about an apricorn tree...there aren't any
If by "shiny gold" you mean the original Gold version for the Game Boy Color, you must first beat the Gym leader in the town with the Slowpokes and then go into the adjacent forest and help some people catch their Farfetch'd. If you cannot battle the Gym leader, make sure you talk to Kurt in the house in the upper-left and go to the well to the right of the town and beat Team Rocket.
Cherubi can be obtained at the National Park by using Headbutt on a Special Tree.
do something
The large Disney Gold Christmas tree, which was on display in a downtown Tokyo jewelry store costs 350 million yen, which is the equivalent of 4,270,000 United States dollars. A miniature version of the tree costs 2 million yen, or 243,000 dollars.
You beat the Goldenrod City gym leader(Whitney, in SoulSilver), go to the flower shop, get the squirt bottle, go to the tree, squirt the tree, it'll attack you.
Surf South of palace. Water Sudowoodo wiggle tree.
The English version name of the kawakawa tree is the "New Zealand pepper tree."
its gold. and its a tree.
the tree will shake
its very simple first you'll need honey go to a gold leafy tree put the honey on the tree and come back to it later if you see it wiggle go up to it and press "A" there is about a 10% chance its a heracross.
There is no banana tree
i think it is only on the PC version
you have to get a bu my first you have to get him by put ting honey on trees you will get him eventually and you have to wait until the tree starts to wiggle