There is only one Master Ball per game, unless you hit the lottery in the department store. Then you could have two.
the guy from the team galactic gives you one to catch girantina in the distortion world
Well acuatlly, i would use it on Rayquaza. When you find him, he is at level 70, and most people don't have level 70 Pokemon at that point. Also, I've battled rayquaza over 13 times and could never catch him. I cought Kyogre (i have sapphire) with an ultra ball. Trust my advise!
The best thing to do is find a Wild Pokemon Modifier code to get master balls, if not go to
You can find Keldeo at Sunyshore City, but it is really hard to catch without Master Ball. You can try weakening it and use Ultra Balls, instead.
Before you find Dialga in Diamond or Palkia in Pearl or giratina in platinum, Cyrus will give you a master ball. I'm assuming this is so you can catch Palkia, Dialga, or Giratina.
There is only one RAYQUAZA, witch sucks! You find it at the sky pillar! Make sure you have enouh ultra balls or a master ball! I think it will be at level 70! What level is your blaziken?
You buy some lots of master balls and then when you find a phanphy, catch it that's alll.....
It's real simple to find and catch a Rayquaza. First, surf all the way out to the Spear Pillar again (you need to beat the Elite Four to get a Rayquaza!). You have to have a MACH BIKE to get through the small cracks in the ground (just bike full speed over them to get across them!). Then, there will be a certain point where you'll have to fall through a crack to get to the certain tunnel to the legendary Rayquaza. Once you get to the top, you should save and then fight Rayquaza because if you accidentally faint him, you can't encounter Rayquaza ever again, okay. The Rayquaza will be resting at the top, go up to Rayquaza and press "A", and then he will fight you!TIP: If you don't have any Master Balls, he is very hard to catch, but a good hint is to have a Poke'mon that knows False Swipe, so you can weaken him to 1 HP, then just throw either Timer Balls, or Ultra Balls (they're the best choice) till you catch him. Have fun!!!DO NOT MAKE HIM FAINT save b4 battle Then if he faints u switch of and on again and Try again!!!!!!!!!!!
U have to use a poke ball or any types of poke balls like master balls or ultra balls. But firstvu need to find it. Then go up to him then click then battle then catch
You gain unlimited master balls, giving you the power to catch ANY Pokemon without fail, including all the uber legendaries, if you can find them.
It is not necessary to catch Rayquaza. It's an optional legendary Pokemon that you can find at Sky Pillar.
sky pillar
You go to the Sky Pillar in Pacifidlog.First, when you get to Pacifidlog, go east and find a room of rocks. Go to the left and you will find a cave, go in the cave. Then, go to the tall, big building and go in the building. And, past 4 floors ( you will probably need a MACH bike in order to past a couple of cracks ) . When you get to the last floor, you will see an entrance, go in there and you will find Rayquaza. To catch Rayquaza, you will need a lot of ultra balls in order to get Rayquaza. Rayquaza will be in level 70. I hope this will help you catch Rayquaza easier.Pokemon Trainer,Michele and VinceMichele : EmeraldVince: Sapphire
you can find duskclops in the tower where rayquaza is.
the guy from the team galactic gives you one to catch girantina in the distortion world
You don't, you can only catch Rayquaza in Emerald, Groundon in Ruby, and Kyogre in Saphire. STUPID ANSWER !!!! YOU CAN beat elite four then go to weather institute then he will tell you there is a drought on route ___ and a heavy rainfall on route___ go to that route and you will find groudon in terra cave and kyogre on marine cave rayquaza is in sky pillar.... groudon,kyogre and rayquaza are all level 70 for groudon you need at least 30 ultra balls and kyogre 40 ultraballs and for rayquaza, the toughest you can use the master ball that can be found in team aqua's hideout. THE ONE AT THE TOP IS WRONG THE ONE WHO ANSWERED IT IS NOT A MASTER this is jessonmudkip**** ENJOY!!!!!!!
After you catch Rayquaza, you can go back to the Sky Pillar and there is a portal where Rayquaza used to be. Enter it, and you will enter a room and be able to catch Jirachi.