Oh definitely. as you go deeper, you face different bosses.The first boss is regice, then regirock then registeel and finally, regigigas.
Explore the new area right next to aegis cave
In the dungeon, sometimes a defeated Unown will drop a stone shaped like itself. You need to collect the stones that spell out "ROCK". At the non-dungeon part, check the pillar in the center and follow the instructions. The stones you collected will react with the pillar, revealing a stairway. You do the same for Ice and Steel Aegis Cave.
Aegis cave has 3 Ice floors, 4 Rock floors and 5 steel floors, with a stone marker floor before each section, and a floor for each guardian fight below this. Then there are 6 deeper floors before Regigigas' Chamber.
MEWTWO is found on the 99th floor of the western cave bring along some weather bands for your team because somewhere along the floors in the 60's a SANDSTROM will be hitting you & the team left & right...VERONICAand you need to recruit ho-oh
# 1)ice aegis cave 3fl # 2) regice # rock aegis cave 3fl # 3)regirock # steel aegis cave 4fl # 4)registeel # aegis cave pit 5fl # regigigas chamber :regigigas, 4hitmonlee and 4 bronzong 19 floors
Oh definitely. as you go deeper, you face different bosses.The first boss is regice, then regirock then registeel and finally, regigigas.
You need to enter the cave with Team Charm.
In Aegis Cave.
aegis cave
In Aegis Cave
you have to beat unowns and then spell ice
aegis cave
it has 3-4 floors
after beating dialga and rescuing scizor, do a few missions and eventually in the lower level of the guild. after listening to people talk for a while you will be able to go to aegis cave
You have to go to Aegis Cave, But to get there you need to release manaphy into the sea and sleep for a few days and then team charm comes and takes you to Aegis Cave.