Flint Laboratory was created in 1912.
Roland Flint died in 2001.
Billa Flint died in 1894.
No. Larry Flint is still alive
How do you replace the flint in a scorch torch model # 61355
Flint and Birmingham were both segragated in the civil rights movement
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 52 minutes between Flint Michigan and Birmingham, Michigan. The driving time between Flint Michigan and Birmingham, Alabama is an estimated 12 hours and 28 minutes.
It takes the Watsons two days to drive from Flint, Michigan, to Birmingham, Alabama.
3 days in the 1960s
how much money will i spend on food in flint
about 770 miles
568.36 mile as of mapquest via shortest route
By road, Flint Michigan to Birmingham Alabama is 11 h 21 min (768.1 mi) via I-75 S and I-65 S
It is 768 miles according to Google Maps.
11 hours and 40minutes