Doris Day is still alive.
No, Doris Day is not single.
Doris Day is American born of German heritage.
There are many websites that deal exclusively cater to Doris Day fans. Doris Day Web Forum is quite good
Doris Day starred in her Doris Day Show (television) from 1968 through 1973. She also had a radio show in 1951-1952.
Doris Day is still alive.
No, Doris Day is not single.
Doris Day married to Al Jorden in 1941 Doris Day married to George Weidler in 1946 Doris Day married to Martin Melcher in 1951 Doris Day married to Barry Comden in 1976
Doris Day married to Al Jorden in 1941 Doris Day married to George Weidler in 1946 Doris Day married to Martin Melcher in 1951 Doris Day married to Barry Comden in 1976
Doris Day is retired and living in Carmel, CA.
Doris Day was born on April 3, 1924.
Doris Day has written: 'Tangled web'
Doris Day was born on April 3, 1924.
Doris Day was born on April 3, 1922
Doris Day is American born of German heritage.
doris day-1954
Doris Day's mom's name was Alma Sophia, Doris's Dad's name was Wilhem.