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No! And, she is not right for him on all levels. My heart sank when I heard that last year; because through the years he's the love of my life.

What do you mean she is not right for him? He kept her around for so long they had to have something in common.

He says they are still living together and when he moves back to LA she is coming with him. She is wearing a 'promise ring' so that says something.

Gunnar has done the "promise ring" thing before so that's not saying much. He was with Carmen for almost 5 years and on and off with Terra (yes, they still chat on the phone together) for longer than that so I know Lauren is just a drop in the bucket. This guy will most likely never get married, especially snow since his brothers marriage failed.

Oh wow, didn't know he did the promise ring before, do know he still talks to his ex's. Well that's what he said, he said he didn't talk to Terra, that she is out of his life. So not sure if he's telling the truth. Did Matt and Yvette get a divorce?

I'm suprised you didn't know that Matt and Yvette recently got a divorce or atleast have filed. If you know so much about Gunnar then why didn't you know that?

Terra makes a post everytime she talks to him on the phone. And everytime she hangs with him also. She refers to him as Gman. Apparently she talked to him for 2 hours the other day and called him her "bestie" honestly I still think they are "sexing" each other when he is in town. And Lauren, if she weren't being treated to numerous trips/cruises around the world and being showered with expensive gifts I doubt they would be together. That's kind of what Gunnar does he tries to impress. I don't know much about her but if she can follow him around to all his gigs and many trips then she probably doesn't have a job of her own. Her family doesn't care much about Gunnar either.

Never asked Gunnar about his brother. I know he's mentioned the two have been on the outs for awhile, and that there is that law in CA if a couple over 10 years gets divorced... Well it just means Yvette will automatically get half of everything of matthew's. Oh well. Hopefully things work out with him and Lauren. I hope he finds happiness. He seems confused as to what he is telling people and as to who he is leading on.

Yes. Matthew Nelson Filed for divorce in March 2009, but it was not final until September 2011.

Matthew Nelson and former Lingerie Bowl player Yvette Stefens- Nelson were married for 16-years -- and while they had no kids, they acquired 3 adorable wittle animals ... 2 dogs (Cheyenne and Kaia) and a cat (Chaplin).

The divorce became final earlier this month -- and according to court docs obtained by TMZ, the animals were awarded to Matthew's wife ... who also got to keep her Porsche, clothing, jewelryand a bunch of cash.

Matthew walked away with a BMW, a Lotus, Guitars and an upright Knabe piano that belonged to his famous father, Ricky Nelson. He also got to keep all of the publishing rights to his music.

As for the animals, Matt's rep tells us the singer is "sad that as a result of the parties' divorce his pets are no longer part of his life, but he does not regret his agreement to have the pets stay with his former wife."

The rep explains, "With all the traveling Matt does for work, his decision was best for the pets. Matt has moved on. For nearly the last 3 years, he's been in a very happy, solid relationship with his girlfriend."

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NO! And, contrary, to speculation as to why Gunnar did not stay after the concert on October 6, 2008 for the "meet and greet." I was there and saw he looking solemn and Lauren whom walked behind him to the table, she stood in the background shaking hands with other within the band. Ten minutes later he left and she followed him behind leaving the rest of the band, who where equally as exhausted graciolusly shook hands and pictures. It was unprofessional for Gunnar to not stay, unless for emergency, example: being taken to hospital. But, instead went for drinks at a bar. Not classy at all. Well if they are not married they are definitely still together. She finally changed that pic of her and Gunnar on her myspace.

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Q: Has Gunnar Nelson ever been married?
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Answer No He Is Not. His older twin brother by 45 Minutes Matthew Nelson is. Matthew Nelson is married to Singer/Actress/Model : Yvette Stefens- Nelson This Answer was given truthfully by: Megan Butcher April 9, 2008 But Gunnar has been engaged right? I read an interview Jack Ponti did and mentioned how Gunnar had a fiance' that decided to ask the question "Have you ever cheated on me" and Gunnar plainly said "yes". He went on to say that Gunnar called him saying his girlfriend went crazy mad over his answer and asked him to come pick him up. Who was he engaged to? You read wrong. Gunnar Nelson has had many seriou, crazy, lusting, sexual relationships with many woman in his life. He has never denied it. But When I asked him he admited to wanting to get married and have a baby, but he has not yet found the right one. He has never been engaged. He said so on NelsonBrothers.Com Megan Butcher I remembered the Jack Ponti article from years ago. Here is what he said about Nelson! Believe it or not, Nelson always had THE best women around, bar none, so that was always a religious experience. Say what you will but I had me some fun with Weenie and Heiny Nelson. For fun we used to bring them to crowded shopping malls at the height of their fame and watch the lunacy. One time some girl ran up to Matty screaming: ?Burn in H***, your face is made of wax, I hate you. I want to see your face melt? We used to call Matt ?Star Search?, because he would go to the Star Search taping and pick up the spokesmodels. Excellent times indeed

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Will Gunnar Nelson ever get married?

No He Is Not. His older twin brother by 45 Minutes Matthew Nelson is. Matthew Nelson is married to Singer/Actress/Model : Yvette Stefens- Nelson This was given truthfully by: Megan Butcher April 9, 2008 But Gunnar has been engaged right? I read an interview Jack Ponti did and mentioned how Gunnar had a fiance' that decided to ask the question "Have you ever cheated on me" and Gunnar plainly said "yes". He went on to say that Gunnar called him saying his girlfriend went crazy mad over his and asked him to come pick him up. Who was he engaged to? You read wrong. Gunnar Nelson has had many seriou, crazy, lusting, sexual relationships with many woman in his life. He has never denied it. But When I asked him he admited to wanting to get married and have a baby, but he has not yet found the right one. He has never been engaged. He said so on NelsonBrothers.Com Megan Butcher I remembered the Jack Ponti article from years ago. Here is what he said about Nelson! Believe it or not, Nelson always had THE best women around, bar none, so that was always a religious experience. Say what you will but I had me some fun with Weenie and Heiny Nelson. For fun we used to bring them to crowded shopping malls at the height of their fame and watch the lunacy. One time some girl ran up to Matty screaming: ?Burn in H***, your face is made of wax, I hate you. I want to see your face melt? We used to call Matt ?Star Search?, because he would go to the Star Search taping and pick up the spokesmodels. Excellent times indeed. Matty began dating Erin Everly around that time (right after she and Axl split) and she would call my f****house like at 4 am. I wanted to smack the s***out of them both, with this early morning ?Love you honey? sh**. She went ballistic on him if I remember as he called me from his car freaking, so that love affair went south. Matt is Mr. Romance, Gunnar is Mr. Let?s F*** Porn Stars. Gunnar lost his mind once because we used to read fan mail and he got a gay fan letter and Matt didn?t. We tried to find the guy and fly him in to meet Gunnar, but we couldn?t locate him. Matt got an amazing letter once that said: ?I love you Matt. I am a mermaid and I want to cook you dinner at Michael Landon?s house.? Now THAT?S a fan letter. Matt and Gunnar had some serious trim, still do. Gunnar is a funny guy. Right after their big tour he went home and on the way to his fianc?es family?s house for Christmas dinner, she asked him if he ever cheated on her. Without missing a beat, Gun said ?Yes?. They got there and she went ballistic, her whole family went nuts and Gunnar retreated to a bedroom and called me for help. Except he was in California and I was in NJ. Let us not forget Matty and Bobbie Brown and her dumping him in Hawaii.

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